
Discover our confirmed talks!

To avoid last minute queues, you can also pick up your badge and attendee bag on Wednesday 25th from 17h to 19:00h

Track 1 (Auditorium)

Track 2 (Room 6)

Track 3 (Room 5)

Workshops (Room 4)




Welcome Session

Sergi Almar / Mark Dolan



Juergen Hoeller, Stéphane Nicoll, Brian Clozel, Josh Long, Cora Iberkleid


Coffee break

11:00 - 11:50

Modular Applications with Spring

Oliver Drotbohm /
Michael Plöd

Collaboration when developing Spring Boot Microservices

Dan Erez

The harsh reality of Event Sourcing - mitigated with Spring and Axon on Tanzu Application Platform

David Caron /
Allard Buijze

Howto: From source code to container runtime [Workshop]

Matthias Haeussler /
Mirna Alaisami

12:00 - 12:50

Modern frontends using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf with htmx

Wim Deblauwe

Reactive Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster

Matt Raible

BackgroundJob .enqueue(() -> System.out.println("This is all you need for distributed background jobs!"));

Ronald Dehuysser

Workshop continuation



14:00 - 14:50

Spring Framework 6: Infrastructure Themes

Juergen Hoeller

Major migrations made easy

Tim te Beek

Building a Framework on top of Spring Boot

Rubén Pahíno

Spring On Kubernetes [Workshop]

Ryan Baxter

15:00 - 15:50

Event Streaming for the Best of All Worlds

Mary Grygleski

Implementing an OAuth 2 authorization server with Spring Security - the new way!

Laurentiu Spilca

Spring extensions for Kotlin

Anton Arhipov

Workshop continuation



16:30 - 17:20

Spring Cloud Gateway: Resilience, Security, and Observability

Thomas Vitale

Declarative Clients in Spring

Rossen Stoyanchev /
Olga Maciaszek-Sharma

Java meets TypeScript: building modern web apps with full-stack type safety

Manolo Carrasco Moñino

Implementing Passwordless Logins using the Spring Authorization Server and the WebAuthn protocol [Workshop]

Adib Saikali

17:30 - 18:20

Kubernetes Native Java

Josh Long

To Java 18 and Beyond!

Billy Korando

Let's build components, not layers

Tom Hombergs

Workshop continuation

